Thursday, October 31, 2013

Victim of Anglican Priest rejects Payout

Just to see what happens in 'other denominations' re clergy abuse. A BBC article

Robert ColesVictim of sex-abuse priest Robert Coles rejects payout

Robert Coles is serving an eight-year prison sentence

A man who was sexually abused as a boy by a Church of England priest has rejected a six-figure compensation offer.
The man, who cannot be identified, was one of a number of boys abused by Robert Coles when he was a priest in Horsham and Chichester, in Sussex.
Coles, of Upperton Road, Eastbourne, was jailed for eight years in February after admitting 11 sex abuse charges.
The victim, now 45, says he wants a sum "in proportion" to his suffering.
'Archbishop appalled'
He told the BBC: "I've been sectioned, I've self-harmed. I've tried to end my life.
"Numerous times I've been in intensive care."
The man, who said he had reported the abuse to Sussex Police in 1997, says he is prepared to go to court to get the compensation he believes he deserves.
"It needs to be in proportion to what I've suffered," he said.
The Diocese of Chichester said it hoped it would avoid going to court over the case, but could not discuss details of this compensation claim.
After Coles's sentencing, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby apologised to the victims, saying he was "appalled" by the case.
He said systems designed to protect survivors had "clearly failed".
Brighton Crown Court heard in February that Coles had disclosed he was a child sex abuser to senior clergy, including the then Bishop of Lewes, the Rt Rev Wallace Benn, but the information was not passed on to police.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Gandhi abused young women followers


Go to:

Seems like some great men consider themselves above the law

Gandhi imposed celibacy on his entourage but did not live chastely himself. He used the subterfuge of conducting an experiment to see how he could control his elections....with the young women naked in bed with him

Remind you of anyone?

Sounds scary

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sadistic Cult Leader Sentenced for Multiple Abuses in Jerusalem

Sadistic cult leader sentenced to 26 years

Man abused and enslaved six women and dozens of children, some of whom continue to support him

The Times of Israel

October 17, 2013

A man who headed a religious cult that physically, mentally, and sexually abused a group of women and their children was sentenced to 26 years behind bars by the Jerusalem District Court on Thursday.
The man, 58, who has remained unnamed in the media, was also ordered to pay a total of NIS 100,000 (some $28,000) to his victims. A second man, who was an accomplice in the crimes, was sentenced to six years in prison. The separate trial of a third man involved in the case is still underway.
Prosecuting lawyer Sagi Ofer had asked for a sentence of 65 years for the cult leader and 20 years for his deputy.
“They have been given a sentence that isn’t trivial, but we believed that in cases like this it should be heavier,” Ofer said. “A punishment is supposed to convey a message to victims and minors who had the courage to complain.”
Despite the conviction, some of the cult’s women continue to support their leader, a resident of Jerusalem who associated himself with the Breslov Hassidic movement. They claim that witnesses were threatened into giving testimony.
The women called the proceedings “a lie,” adding that “we love this man and it was good to be with him.”
Last month the man and his assistant were found guilty of sex offenses, violence, confinement in conditions of slavery, and abuse of women and minors, including some of who are his own children. The court found that the man exploited his family’s religious faith, and their belief in him as a spiritual leader, in order to perpetrate the crimes against them.
A key witness in the case was a stepchild of the cult leader. The witness’s mother remains dedicated to the cult and did not speak to her son at the trial, Ynet reported.
The case shocked the country when it came to light in August 2011 after one of the women broke free and alerted authorities to the conditions that the man imposed on his followers. According to the court verdict, the group was composed of the man, six women, and 17 children. The convicted man convinced women to join with him in what initially appeared to be a pleasant life. However, once under his control, the women faced continued physical and sexual abuse, as did their children.
Initially, nine members of the family were arrested, including three men and six women, but only the three men were indicted. The children were placed with foster families.
The case not only made headlines for the severity of the charges, but also for a court-mandated gag order on the case meant to shield the victims, women and young children, from being identified. Initially, only a heavily edited version of the original indictment was released to the public.
Police used the information in personal journals kept by the women and children to uncover details about the abuses and build their case.
The women and children were subject to daily “confessions” and “judgments” and were punished by means of imprisonment, starvation, physical and mental abuse, humiliation, sexual abuse, and severe violence, according to the indictment. Police found numerous torture devices when they searched the house.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Kindle Version Available of Fr. Maciel Pedophile, etc...from Neuhaus to Pope Benedict XVI

This booklet is still selling well and just to remind you there is a  Kindle Version at Amazon

Fr. Marcial Maciel, Pedophile, Psychopath, and Legion of Christ Founder, From R.J. Neuhaus to Benedict XVI, 2nd Ed.: Richard J. Neuhaus Duped by the Legion of Christ revised and augmented [Kindle Edition]

J.Paul Lennon

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Vatican Facilitates Flight of Accused Pedophile Papal Nuncio in Dominican Republic

From what I understand reading this article, allegations reached the local cardinal who reported it to Rome. Rome removed the man from his post quickly, before allegations were made public. Local authorities are investigating. The Accused is 'missing'.
I think this reflects very badly on the Vatican and the pope. They always want to "avoid scandal", which does not mean "protecting the innocent" in the Jesus sense but rather "protecting the hierarchy's good name" in the corporate business sense.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

House Arrest for Fr. John O'Reilly, LC, in Chile

Corte establece existencia de abuso sexual en caso O'Reilly y ordena arresto domiciliario

This is the latest news on the JOR saga in Santiago Chile courts.

See bunch of Spanish language news items by Goggling Corte estableced abuso sexual en el caso John O'Reilly. Use link. Our text is from El Mercurio.

Appellate court orders house arrest but denies incarceration requested by prosecutor.

Asunto: Corte establece existencia de abuso sexual en caso O'Reilly y ordena arresto domiciliario


Blogger say: 
from the body of the article and careful reading of previous articles: this temporary decision to keep tabs on the padre through the end of  the judicial process;  does not constitute a final judgement  because  the judicial process in ongoingChilean headlines in this case have tended to be sensationalist and do not always reflect the content of the article or the reporting -some condemn and others absolve, prematurely. Fr. O'Reilly is under house arrest and must remain in his adopted Chile (until the case runs its course and a final decision is made).

Corte establece existencia de abuso sexual en caso O'Reilly y ordena arresto domiciliario

El tribunal de alzada, sin embargo, consideró excesiva la medida de prisión preventiva para el sacerdote solicitada por la Fiscalía.

Foto: El Mercurio

SANTIAGO.- La Octava Sala de la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago resolvió dejar con arresto domiciliario total al sacerdote John O'Reilly formalizado por supuestos abusos sexuales a dos menores al interior del colegio Cumbres de Las Condes.    El religioso se encontraba en libertad y sin medidas cautelares, lo que fue revocado por el tribunal de alzada que estimó que con los antecedentes recabados hasta esta instancia procesal "es posible dar por acreditado la existencia de los hechos y la presunta participación del imputado en los mismos".   Asimismo, estableció que la prisión preventiva solicitada por el Ministerio Público era una medida excesiva. Sin embargo, acogió la petición respecto a que el religioso no podrá acercarse a las supuestas víctimas ni sus familiares, así como tampoco a establecimientos educacionales donde acudan menores de edad.   Al término de los alegatos, el defensor Luis Hermosilla aseguró que su representado estaba tranquilo a la espera de la resolución de la corte y enfatizó su intención de llegar luego al juicio oral para demostrar su "total inocencia".  "No nos queda otra cosa que acatar la decisión de la Corte", dijo, recalcando que las presunciones fundadas respecto a la existencia del delito que estableció el tribunal, sólo responden al estándar exigido en esta etapa procesal ya que "basta con poca prueba para poder hacer esa afirmación y no es la evidencia que se necesita en un juicio oral".  Asimismo aclaró que "no es que se esté diciendo que el hecho punible se encuentre acreditado en términos que sea condenado o que haya antecedentes que acrediten su participación como autor de esos hechos. Es un juicio probabilístico y superficial para estas alturas de la investigación".  El querellante José Ignacio Escobar, por su parte, se mostró satisfecho con el fallo, destacando que dicha resolución revoca principalmente la decisión de la jueza del Cuarto Juzgado de Garantía de Santiago, Andrea Díaz-Muñoz, "en el sentido que ratifica que sí existen indicios suficientes respecto de la existencia de los hechos y la participación culpable de este imputado".  "Además impone la medida cautelar que es muy intensa lo que garantiza que este juicio se va a llevar a cabo y allí lograremos acreditar las imputaciones que se han vertido el día de hoy".

En la instancia, Escobar también se refirió a la situación de las víctimas y su familia, detallando que "han pasado por una situación que ha sido tremendamente dolorosa, ellos siguen con sus menores en tratamiento, pero ellos tienen mucha confianza en la acción de la justicia y esta resolución ratifica la creencia que han tenido ellos en el sistema y van a seguir haciéndolo hasta llegar al juicio definitivo".    La semana pasada, la jueza del Cuarto Juzgado de Garantía de Santiago desestimó la existencia del delito y la participación del imputado, ante lo cual la Fiscalía Oriente recurrió a la Corte de Apelaciones por considerar que la medida cautelar de prisión preventiva era la única pertinente por la gravedad del delito.

Por eso este miércoles se llevó a cabo la revisión de las medidas cautelares.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sandusky Victim says PSU should have done more


 FILE - In this Oct. 9, 2012 file photo, former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, center, is taken from the Centre County Courthouse by Centre County Sheriff Denny Nau, left, and a deputy, after being sentenced in Bellefonte, Pa. Seven young men, including Jerry Sandusky's adopted son, have finalized deals with Penn State over claims of abuse by the school's former assistant football coach, their lawyer said Friday, Aug. 23, 2013. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

See article in Yahoo Sports this morning

Some might says, the Legion of Christ and the Catholic Hierarchy should have done more to stop Fr. Marcial Maciel

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Priest who Preyed on Deaf Boys

this is the HBO documentary on Fr. Laurence Murphy

The sad sad story

Very graphic, sad, sad.......sickening

But it gives you an idea of how Fr. Maciel abused the children under his care

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Polanski's Teenage Victim

Polanski Victim Makes a Statement with Her Memoir's Haunting Cover

A Roman Polanski's victim of sexual assault is speaking out in a bio due out in September; she has her portrait on the cover as part of the process of 'reclaiming her identity' after the shame and the effort to bringing him to justice

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Archbishop of Dublin Angry over Catholic Hierarchy's Lack of Concern for Victims of Priest Abuse

Dublin's Archbishop Diarmuid Martin
Diarmuid Martin, Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, who has tried to save the Church in Ireland from abandonment by the Catholic people who are sick and tired of the way the Catholic leadership did not protect victims and then connived with police to protect pedophile priests, has spoken again as part of a justice department report is released.

Archbishop angry over Catholic Church’s lack of concern for abused children

Dublin Archbishop Martin slams church's response in wake of report

The Catholic Archbishop of Dublin Dr. Diarmuid Martin has hit out at the church’s lack of concern for children abused by priests.
He was responding to a just-published report which was severely critical of three previous archbishops of Dublin including Cardinal Desmond Connell.
The report, Chapter 20 of the investigation by Judge Yvonne Murphy into abuses in the Dublin Archdiocese, was released for publication by the High Court on Friday although the rest of the judge’s findings were published in November 2009.
Chapter 20 was censored from the initial publication pending trial of defrocked priest Patrick McCabe.
The chapter, when finally published last week, found there was “shocking” Garda (police) “connivance” with the church authorities when one serious complaint was stifled, there was failure to investigate another, and McCabe was allowed by his superiors to leave the country.
Martin, hitting out at the lack of concern for children abused by priests, said Chapter 20’s criticisms of the church showed “there was concern for everybody except the child.”
“The priest was looked after, people were kept quiet, and many of those children weren’t even spoken to.  There is no way in which the church of Jesus Christ should have treated children in that way.”
Former priest McCabe, now 77, was jailed for 18 months last October for a number of abuses against schoolboys, one aged only nine.
The Murphy Report found he was able to flee to the U.S. after Garda connivance with church authorities. He was arrested in the U.S. in August 2010 and extradited to Ireland in June 2011.
Before he fled to the U.S. McCabe served in several dioceses in Dublin between 1971 and 1983. He worked in the Santa Rosa diocese in California between 1983 and 1986. His faculties as a priest were withdrawn in 1987 and he was laicised in 1988.
He left a psychiatric hospital in February 1988. The Irish bishops allowed him to return to the U.S. Judge Murphy, in one of her most damning indictments in her report, summarized, “They, in effect, set him loose on the unsuspecting population of Stockton, California.” 
Martin said, “For those abused by Patrick McCabe, the wait for truth has been a long one.”

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Vatican to launch investigation into Scottish Cardinal for his Dalliances

Vatican to launch Cardinal Keith O’Brien probe

An investigation is to be carried out into Cardinal Keith O'Brien. Picture: Jane Barlow
An investigation is to be carried out into Cardinal Keith O'Brien. Picture: Jane Barlow
THE VATICAN has finally agreed to demands to launch a formal inquiry into Cardinal Keith O’Brien following allegations of sexual misconduct, it has been reported.
The church is set to undergo a high level inspection - known as an apostolic visitation - in response to the claims made against Britain’s most senior Catholic cleric, who resigned from the diocese of Edinburgh and St Andrews in February.
Archbishop Antonio Mennini is understood to have revealed the inspection when he met with a former priest, known only as Lenny, who accused the cardinal of making sexual advances towards him when he was a seminarian.
The alleged victim said: “The archbishop told me the holy see had decided there would be an investigation into all the allegations. Anyone affected would be able to give evidence. If it is judged that there is sufficient evidence, then it would go to another, deeper process in Rome.
“I am glad the Catholic church has faced up to the need for a process to determine the truth,” he said. “If this story had not gone public in February, if there had not been consistent calls for action, we would not have got to this point. But it’s now important to scrutinise the scope and remit of the visitation. It must address Keith O’Brien’s behaviour, but also examine whether any promotions were awarded to the cardinal’s cronies.”
Lenny revealed the nuncio said the visitator of the inspection should be the new archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh.
O’Brien’s successor is expected to be announced later this month, and insiders have speculated he will be replaced by a Scot currently working in Rome.
Lenny added: “I told Archbishop Mennini that the process was not likely to reach the truth if it was conducted by the new archbishop, whoever that turns out to be. Priests are hardly likely to be completely frank with someone who holds their lives in his hands for years to come. I hope the nuncio rethinks.”
Tom Doyle, a senior canon lawyer who worked at the nunciature in Washington before representing abuse victims all over the world in cases against the Catholic church, agreed that O’Brien’s successor should not be hired. He said: “The whole point is that it’s someone from outside. If they appoint O’Brien’s successor to lead the investigation, they are going to look like fools.
“It would be ridiculous to appoint the cardinal’s successor.”
In a statement in March, O’Brien acknowledged wrong-doing within the church. He said: “My sexual conduct has fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal.”
Senior figures in Rome have said the apostolic visitation is a way of dealing not just with the cardinal, but with the more general accusations across the church in Scotland.
Father Robert Gahl, an associate professor of ethics at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, said: “Given that the Cardinal O’Brien case seems to be a salient feature of a larger network of dysfunction, an apostolic visitation could be a very appropriate way of addressing the larger problem.”
Ireland investigation
But Mr Doyle has expressed his concern that the forthcoming visit will not investigate the situation sufficiently after Ireland’s apoltolic visitation in 2011 following widespread child abuse was a “total farce”. He said: “I don’t think an apostolic visitation will achieve much. In my experience of sexual abuse – which dates back 30 years – the only significant truth that has ever arisen has been when totally independent investigations have been carried out.
“In America, it’s been grand juries. In Ireland, it’s been statutory commissions. If they are really looking into alleged abuse by Keith O’Brien, the only way to do it is to appoint outside investigators who have free rein. But they won’t.”
The cardinal resigned from his post in February and was removed from Scotland for six months by the church.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Ireland Takes Priest Pedophiles Seriously

Former priest and pedophile Tony Walsh

In the light of multiple abuser Marcial Maciel and other Legion priests getting off so lightly for pedophilia and sexual crimes against members of the Legion of Christ it is refreshing/encouraging to see Irish judge taking such offenses seriously. The Public and especially the Catholic public needs to wake us to the long-lasting effects of these crimes.

‘Singing Priest’ who pleaded guilty gets 15 months extra jail time for more abuse of boys

Judge believed the priest had worked his way into the confidence of the families of the two victims with “cold-blooded intent”

Former priest and pedophile Tony Walsh

Tony Walsh, a former priest known as the ‘Singing Priest’, is currently serving a 16-year sentence for the rape and abuse of school boys and has had a further 15 months added to his sentence due to two more victims coming forward.
Walsh, (59) from Dublin, pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to two counts of indecent assault on January 01 and April 4, 1979 against two victims aged 10 and 11.
Remy Farrell SC, who was defending Walsh, said that his client had already received a substantial sentence of 16 years for other offences and that it would be unduly punitive to add to this sentence but Judge Martin Nolan disagreed and said that Walsh had worked his way into the confidence of the families of the two victims with “cold-blooded intent”, the Independent writes. He said the sexual assaults were aggressive and incredibly frightening for the children involved and that the abuse has had serious and long term effects on the victims.
The abuse of the first victim only came to light in 2008 during bereavement counselling after the victim's father had died. Walsh had caught him eating sweets outside the church before taking Holy Communion and was angered when the child told him he was having a “mixed grill”. Walsh then took the boy into the priest's house and abused him, telling the boy that his parents would not believe him if he told them.
The second victim was abused on Good Friday 1979 when Walsh offered him a chance to travel in the priest's white BMQ at an “All Priests Show”. After the assault Walsh took the confused boy to a nearby hotel and bought him a drink and a fry-up. The victim did not tell his mother about the abuse until he was 14 but did tell her about the hotel visit at the time. She remembered being shocked that the priest had bought a fry on Good Friday.
Judge Nolan said that he would “unusually” impose a sentence consecutive to the existing prison term in order to recognise the seriousness of the offences and the harm Walsh had done. He said that the latest sentence should go before the Court of Criminal Appeal next month when Walsh’s current sentence is appealed, reports.

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Irish Woman Apologizes for Falsely Accusing Priest

Irish woman apologizes in court for false allegations of sexual abuse against Catholic priest

Eileen Culloty apologizes to Fr Liam O’Brien nearly five years after allegations

A woman praying  - Irish woman apologizes for falsely accusing priest
A woman praying - Irish woman apologizes for falsely accusing priest
Photo by Google Images

Eileen Culloty, of Currow in Killarney, Co Kerry, apologized in the High Court this week for

 making false allegations of abuse against Fr Liam O’Brien in 2008. 
The Irish Independent reports that Culloty wrote a letter to the bishop of Co Kerry in December 2008 lodging false allegations of abuse against Fr Liam O’Brien, who hadn’t been working at Culloty’s parish for 14 years at that point.
Aside from sending the letter to the bishop, Culloty also complained to the Garda, HSE, and Personal Injury Assessment Board. In February 2011, Culloty also disrupted a funeral mass which Fr O’Brien was officiating.
Along with her siblings, Culloty lives very near to the presbytery where Fr O’Brien lived when he worked at the parish. Fr O’Brien now lives in Killorglin, Co Kerry.
On Wednesday, June 5, Culloty’s lawyer read an apology letter to the High Court on behalf of Culloty. In the letter, Culloty asserted that her 2008 allegations were entirely false.
“I wish to categorically also put on record that you [Fr O’Brien] never acted inappropriately towards me, or any member of my family, in any way whatever, either sexually, physically, verbally, psychologically, or otherwise,” she wrote.
Neither Culloty nor Fr O’Brien were present in court for the apologies; both were represented by their lawyers.
Fr O’Brien’s lawyer Robert Dore said his client had agreed not to pursue his actions for damages and defamation against Culloty.
Fr O'Brien had also sought orders restraining Culloty from harassing him over the false allegations.
The presiding Justice Elizabeth Dunne agreed to a request from Fr O’Brien’s lawyer to adjourn the matter generally, meaning it can come back before the court if there are any further incidents.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Anglican Pedophile Priest Comes to Ground

Sex abuse priest Gordon Rideout jailed for 10 years

Canon Gordon Rideout denied abusing girls and boys at a children's home

Related Stories

An Anglican priest who abused children in the 1960s and 70s has been jailed for 10 years.
Canon Gordon Rideout, 74, from East Sussex, who is now retired, was found guilty of 36 separate sex offences by a jury at Lewes Crown Court.
The attacks took place between 1962 and 1973 in Hampshire and Sussex.
Most of them were carried out at Ifield Hall children's home in Crawley, when he was an assistant curate. The charges related to 16 different children.
Rideout, from Polegate, had denied 34 indecent assaults and two attempted rapes.
He was acquitted of one charge of indecent assault against a five-year-old child.
'Position of trust'

Start Quote

He was able to wander through Ifield Hall and the gardens, even visiting children when they were sick and alone in bed”
Nigel PilkingtonCrown Prosecution Service
Rideout was the assistant curate at St Mary's Church in Southgate, Crawley, from September 1962 to September 1965.
During that time he regularly visited the Barnardo's children's home, Ifield Hall, which has since been demolished.
The majority of the offences took place there, although he was also convicted of four charges of indecent assault on two girls at the Middle Wallop army base, where he was a padre at St Michael's Church on the site.
In 1972 he was accused of three indecent assaults at the base, but was cleared by a military hearing.
He was also the subject of a police investigation in 2001.
Nigel Pilkington, head of the CPS South East complex casework unit, said: "As an assistant curate and then chaplain, Gordon Rideout was in a position of trust which he systemically abused, indecently assaulting the vulnerable youngsters that he met over a number of years.
'Brutal beatings'
"He was able to wander through Ifield Hall and the gardens, even visiting children when they were sick and alone in bed.
Gordon Rideout also faced trial in 1972 for indecent assault but was acquitted
"One victim recalled how the children would hide under their covers when he came into their dormitories."
Mr Pilkington said a number of his victims attempted to speak out about the abuse, but were subjected to "brutal beatings" when they did.
"Some of his victims told police in interviews that it simply 'wasn't worth complaining' because of the punishment they would receive in return," he said.
"Instead the victims hid what happened to them for many years and none of us can begin to imagine the impact that has had on their lives."
'Destructive suffering'
Barnardo's director of children's services, Sam Monaghan, said: "We are extremely saddened by this case and our deepest sympathies go out to those who have suffered; it has taken great courage for them to step forward and relive their experiences.
"We are glad that justice has been served and believe it is critical that abusers are held to account for their crimes, regardless of when they took place."
Following the sentencing, the Bishop of Chichester, Dr Martin Warner, said Rideout had caused "immeasurable and destructive suffering over a long period of time".

Start Quote

He has betrayed the trust and respect of many who have valued his ministry”
Dr Martin WarnerBishop of Chichester
"He has also betrayed the trust and respect of many who have valued his ministry," he said.
But in a statement, Dr Warner noted that the Diocese of Chichester was left with the question of why it had taken so long for "these grave accusations to be taken seriously and brought to trial".
"What lessons do we all have to learn from this terrible catalogue of abuse about the strength and effectiveness of our communication within and between agencies that have responsibility for the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults?
"In the Diocese of Chichester we shall continue to interrogate those procedures and to do our very best to ensure that we deliver the quality and standard that others expect of us."