Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Legionary Pedophile, Fr. Guilllermo Izquierdo, dies happy and unpunished in Madrid

Here is the news of the passing of a Legionary, who was a Novice Master, accused of several counts of sexual assault of seminarians under his care in the USA and Ireland. The Legion recognized his crimes but did not punish him except to say that he would no longer be in touch with minors...

Here is documented article with testimonies published years ago:

June 1,  2015

Thy Kingdom Come!

Very Dear Fathers and Brothers,

again I inform you of the death of a Legionary. It is Fr. Guillermo Izquierdo who, for the past year approximately, was living at the Santisima Trinidad Residence in Aravaca, Madrid, where he could recevied the medical attentions of which he could not receive at home. He died this evening of a respiratory attack while at dinner.
Let us pray the Lord, rich in mercy, for his eternal rest,

Very affectionately in Christ and the Legion,
Eduardo Robles-Gil, LC.

¡Venga tu Reino!

Muy queridos padres y hermanos:

            Nuevamente les comunico el fallecimiento de un legionario. Se trata del P. Guillermo Izquierdo quien, desde hace aproximadamente un año residía en la Residencia Santísima Trinidad, en Aravaca, Madrid, en donde podía recibir las atenciones médicas que ya no era posible dispensarle en casa. Murió esta tarde por un paro respiratorio mientras cenaba. Pidamos al Señor, rico en misericordia, por su eterno descanso.

            Afectísimo en Cristo y la Legión, P. Eduardo Robles Gil, L.C.
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