Saturday, December 29, 2012

1- Fr O'Reilly, LC, accused of Pedophilia in Chile

(Legion of Christ Fr.) John O’Reilly: “I am a ‘Dead Man Walking”’

Irishman John O'Reilly for years has been the face of the Legion of Christ in Chile and is one of the main reasons that the movement has been so successful among the business and political elite. (Fr. John) O'Reilly is living the worst moment of his life: a lawyer from the Cumbres Institute is accusing him of sexually abusing her daughter. The priest defends himself and made his statement before the Prosecutor last week. In this interview he talks about death, Maciel and his case.
[original Spanish below]
 El irlandés John O’Reilly durante años ha sido el rostro de la Legión de Cristo en Chile y es una de las razones que el movimiento haya entrado de forma tan contundente en la elite empresarial y política. Hombre influyente, O’Reilly vive hoy su peor momento: una apoderada del Colegio Cumbres lo acusa de abusos sexuales contra su hija. El cura se defiende y recién declaró ante la Fiscalía la semana pasada. En esta entrevista habla de la muerte, de Marcial Maciel y su caso.
(to be continued)

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